
Turquoise Palette

How to make #85D6CD color
A palette inspired by the colors #85D6CD, #B1E8E6, #DFF7F6, #5AB8B2, and #307F7E. It features refreshing and calming shades of turquoise, perfect for creating a soothing and harmonious design.

Turquoise Palette

#85D6CD (Medium Turquoise)
This color can be used as a refreshing, calming background.
#B1E8E6 (Powder Blue)
Perfect for text highlights and attention-grabbing elements.
#DFF7F6 (Bridesmaid)
Ideal for subtle borders and separators.
#5AB8B2 (Eastern Blue)
Great for text and icons for contrast.
#307F7E (Blue Chill)
Use this for important elements and accents.