
Black Peacock

I'm hand dying yarn. I would like a color pallet that is base dark but has some very crisp rich tones such as a silky gold for contrast. I want the yarn to remind me of a black peacock with vibrant majestic colors
A color palette inspired by the dark peacock feathers with vibrant majestic colors.

Black Peacock

#0D0D0D (Black)
For the base, to represent the dark peacock feathers.
#1E4D2B (Dark Green)
To add depth and mimic the iridescent green on feathers.
#00539C (Royal Blue)
For the vibrant blue commonly seen on peacock feathers.
#800020 (Burgundy)
To bring in the rich tones and add contrast.
#D4AF37 (Gold)
For the crisp, silky gold accents to stand out.