
Neon Laser Music Video

Create a palette for a neon laser music video
This palette is designed for a neon laser music video, featuring vibrant neon pink, cool neon aqua, warm neon orange, fresh neon green, and dark neon purple to create a visually striking and energetic atmosphere.

Neon Laser Music Video

#FF33CC (Neon Pink)
For vibrant highlights, text, and neon laser effects.
#33FFCC (Neon Aqua)
To create a cool contrast with neon pink elements.
#FF9933 (Neon Orange)
For warm, energetic accents and to add depth.
#66FF33 (Neon Green)
To bring a fresh, lively vibe to the video.
#9933FF (Neon Purple)
For darker areas and to balance the overall brightness.