
Soccer School for Kids

a palette for a soccer school for kids, main color is navy indigo and girvy bechamel gold
A palette for a soccer school for kids, featuring navy indigo and girvy bechamel gold as the main colors.

Soccer School for Kids

#4B0082 (Indigo)
Main color for uniforms, banners, and signage, strong and bold.
#F5D76E (Bechamel Gold)
Accent color for details on uniforms and promotional materials.
#7B68EE (Medium Slate Blue)
Secondary color for uniforms, complements indigo nicely.
#F0E68C (Khaki)
Neutral color for backgrounds, offsets the bold indigo.
#87CEFA (Light Sky Blue)
Light and playful color for kids-friendly spaces and materials.
a palette for a soccer school, main color is bunting cloud burst navy indigo and girvy bechamel Hampton gold. make it elegant and classy
An elegant and classy palette for a soccer school, featuring navy indigo, gold, and a touch of gray.

Soccer School Elegant Palette

#191970 (Cloud Burst Navy Indigo)
Primary color for uniforms, signage, and branding, exudes elegance.
#F5D76E (Bechamel Gold)
Luxurious accent for details on uniforms and promotional materials.
#3C4477 (Bunting)
Secondary color for uniforms, complements navy indigo, adds depth.
#AA8B00 (Hampton Gold)
Rich and classy color for accents and highlights.
#D3D3D3 (Light Gray)
Neutral backdrop color, balances the strong navy and gold.