
Math Total

Crate a color palette based on the term that is used in math: total
The Math Total color palette captures the essence of mathematical totals, from the blank canvas of possibilities to the satisfaction of reaching a solution. It combines light gray, soft blue, periwinkle, cornflower blue, and royal blue.

Math Total

#E8E8E8 (Light Gray)
Represents the blank canvas of possibilities in mathematical totals.
#C1D3FE (Soft Blue)
Evokes the clarity and precision required in calculations.
#A5BDF0 (Periwinkle)
Symbolizes the transition from question to answer in math.
#7A9BEF (Cornflower Blue)
Reflects the depth and complexity of mathematical problems.
#5C7AEA (Royal Blue)
Conveys the satisfaction of reaching a total or solution.